Agency of Conciliatory Technolo­gies


In the agency of conciliatory technolo­gies professional mediators, psychologists, law­­yers, sociologists work and solve the prob­lems like the following: at first it is the choice of professions made by youth, because the solution of an imbalance in labor market and youth unemployment depends on it. The early profiling and positive sociali­zation of development of the personality allow professional mediators to set the ne­­­ces­­­sary vector of personal development of young people at choice of profession. It is especially important because at schools at the organization of professional orientation work the model of Frank Parsons , the ancestor of career guidance in the USA, is used: “want”, “can”, “need”. However this classical scheme does not always work.

At second, it is the organization of school services of reconciliation, realization of family mediation.

At third, it is the work with migrants. The agency of conciliatory technologies develops and realizes the technologies directed to successful integration of migrants into the new sociocultural environment and prevention of social tension. Besides that, in line with implementation of the project of UNESCO “International coalition of the cities against racism”, and also considering that Bashkortostan is multinational republic and interfaith, conciliatory procedures for permission of social, labor, interethnic, interfaith, gender and other disputes are developed.