On 26 March 2013, the All-Russian Conference Novelties in the Housing legislation of the Russian Federation. Creation of regional systems of general overhaul of apartment houses and the activity of the Fund of assistance in Housing and Communal Services reforming in 2013–2015 took place at the Congress hall.
Deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of Russia, of the State Assembly — Kurultay of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and representatives of executive authorities took part in the forum.
Our Institute as an author of the Housing and Communal Services (HCS) Technology Project and the UNESCO-UNEVOC Center in the Russian Federation presented their educational programs and ideas in the sphere of involvement of public resources to the reformation of HCS. Despite the short duration of stay, guests had time to ask their questions to the representatives of our higher education institution on the HCS Technology Project and on the educational programs. It proved that we have chosen the right way of assistance in the reformation of the sphere through the education of people and creation of the formations capable to cooperate professionally in the mentioned sphere.