International scientific-practical conference «Open Labor Inspectorate» took place in April 15, 2016.
Its main areas were:
- Work as an economic category.
- The labor market and employment. State regulation of the labor market.
- Modern approaches to the regulation of labor.
- The level of population life and incomes policy.
- The implementation of new mechanisms to supply the observance of labor laws.
- The participants of the formation of an open labor inspection and their functions.
- Social partnership, the role of professional associations in the regulation of social and labor sphere.
- Human Resources, efficiency and productivity organization.
- Migration of the labor force, a mediation technology.
The conference was attended by over 70 people, including representatives of the scientific community, professionals and students.
Conference collection was released in May 2016. It includes reports, research methods and labor market model in a mixed economy. A wide range of approaches to the definition of the role of labor in the micro, meso and macro levels of socio-economic system. Considerable attention was focused on the issues of labor migration.