Round table on “Modernization of housing and communal services as a factor of development of the Republic of Bashkortostan” took place at the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies on April 1, 2016 in Ufa, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the housing and communal services of the region.
The meeting was attended by Pavel Kachkaev, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services, Alfred Zinnatullin, Deputy Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tanzilya Nigmatullina chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities Republic of Bashkortostan, Director of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, Anatoly Dubovskii, head of the regional Center of public control in the sphere of housing and communal services, Rim Bulatov, head of the city Center, representatives of the Administration of Ufa and district administration of Ufa, non-governmental organizations in the sphere of housing and communal services.
Moderator of the round table Tanzilya Nigmatullina noted that the effective functioning of housing and communal services has always been one of the indicators of stability and well-being of society. The social well-being of citizens and their quality of life depend largely on its state.
Pavel Kachkaev spoke about the main changes made to the legislation in the sphere of housing and communal services in recent years. He spoke about overhaul of apartment buildings, demolition and resettlement of old and dilapidated housing stock, management companies, and others. During his speech, he outlined the main development challenges facing the industry.
The following issues were discussed during the round table: the reform of housing and communal services in Russia; management of multifamily apartment houses; professional standards of workers in the sector; mediation techniques in the field of housing.
As a result of the work a draft resolution has been adopted unanimously with recommendations to all interested parties in the reform of housing and communal services.