Agency of housing and communal services technologies
Agency of housing and communal services technologies — it is the realization of public and private partnership through design activity of youth. The project “Youth Resource to Reform of Housing and Communal Services” became the winner of the total competition “My Country. My Russia” and the finalist of the line of the youth projects “Seliger 2013”. Sociological surveys of homeowners, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, competitions are conducted with help of the Ministry of housing and communal services of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, business structures.
In structure of Agency there is: a laboratory named “housing and communal services technologies: energy efficiency” where the permanent exposition of the most modern equipment of housing sector; Center of training of workers of housing sector and retraining of personnel; the Center of preparation of a public resource for quality control of housing-and-municipal services; the Housing and Communal Services and Ecology Center.