On December 10, 2023, in Petrozavodsk, the organizers announced the results of the III International Research Competition “Researcher of the Year 2023”. Our instructors Albina Yunirovna Bakirova and Bulat Maratovich Ibraev were among the particiapnts.
They presented a study on the topic “Didactic principles of using information technologies in monitoring the quality of higher education.”
The work is aimed at clarification of the specified problem “Didactic foundations of the use of information technologies in monitoring the quality of higher education.” It discusses the formation of a system for monitoring the quality of education, managing the system of lifelong education as a whole and its implementation as one of the priority areas of the government’s educational policy, in addition to being a major direction of the scientific research and the current tasks of the modern science.
Our instructors were named the winners of the competition, and were awarded a 1st degree Diploma. An article based on the research materials was published in the collection of articles of the III International Research Competition.