The 2024 Trade Union KVN Festival for Working Youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Students of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies were among the audience of a vibrant and lively Trade Union KVN Festival for Working Youth of Bashkortostan. Organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Bashkortostan with the support of the State Committee for Youth Affairs of Bashkortostan and the Council of the local public organization «Club of the Funny and Resourceful» of Ufa, the event took place on April 21, 2024, at the city’s main venue, the «Toratau» Congress Hall.

The game took place on the eve of two important holidays for trade unions – World Day for Safety and Health at Work and International Workers’ Solidarity Day. Therefore, the theme of the game was not chosen by chance – «For Safe Labor!».

18 teams from across the republic competed, representing trade unions of workers in state institutions and public services, healthcare, culture, utilities, the agro-industrial complex, workers in the aviation industry, mechanical engineering, automotive transportation and road construction, the oil, gas, and chemical industries.

Students actively supported the teams and received a confidence boost and a sea of positive emotions.

Additionally, along with team representatives, they created video material to participate in the student video competition «Join the Trade Union», which is held to increase student trade union activity and implement events within the framework of Trade Union Week at the EUP VO «Academy of Labor and Social Relations».

Tanzilya Altafovna Nigmatullina, director of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch) of the EUP VO «Academy of Labor and Social Relations», as a member of the jury, congratulated the KVN participants on behalf of the Public Chamber of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, noting several teams («Minzdrav Prewarned» ROP PRZ RF, «Team of Housing and Utilities», «The Most Airplane» ROP Rosprofavia) for their sparkling humor, witty jokes, and original skits with diplomas.

Tanzilya Altafovna presented the «Factory Workers» team of Rosprofprom-Bashkortostan with a trophy for its creative approach to promoting ideas and a culture of safe labor from the UNESCO-UNEVOC Center at the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch) of the EUP VO «Academy of Labor and Social Relations».

Attending the KVN was a great way for students to take a break from their studies, get an energy boost, and enjoy a good mood.

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