On October 31, 2024, the All-Russian methodological seminar «Formation of financial literacy through Olympiads, quizzes, contests» was held.
The program included performances of:
– Natalia Gennadievna Antufieva, entrepreneur, financial consultant with 10 years of experience in the field of personal and corporate financial planning, member of the National Association of Financial Planning Specialists (NAFPS), volunteer of the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy. Topic: «Management as a personal finance management tool»:

– Olga Arzamasova, methodologist of the Financial Literacy program of the Contribution to the Future Charitable Foundation. Topic: «Formation of financial literacy through contests, competitions, game classes and Olympiads».
– Yulia Busygina, the organizer of the Competition, head of the department of mass work of the Tomsk Regional Children and Youth’s Library. Topic: «Interregional competition of journalistic, research and literary works “I•FINANCE•THE WORLD”»

– Irina Dmitrievna Nelyubina, methodologist, product director of the international network of children’s centers «FinGram». Topic: «The experience of holding the International Financial Games Championship among schoolchildren of grades 2-8»:

The seminar ended with a discussion of the listened topics.