On November 29, 2024, the Institute was crowded: II International Olympiad on Strategic Management was held using the computer business game “Business course: MAXIMUM”.
The organizers were: the Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for UNESCO, the UNEVOC Center in the Russian Federation on the base of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch of) EUP VO “Academy of Labor and Social Relations” and Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch of) EUP VO “Academy of Labor and Social Relations” (hereinafter BIST).
The purpose of the Olympiad is the formation of economic culture and modern economic thinking among schoolchildren and students.
The main tasks are to determine the quality and level of training of students in the field of economics and entrepreneurship; the formation of analytical thinking, the development of creative abilities, personal qualities and communication skills of the younger generation.
The essence of the game was to manage economic facilities, the activities of which are simulated by a computer, and the players manage a virtual enterprise operating in a competitive environment. The game rating was determined “monthly” by a computer program, which provides an integral assessment of the effectiveness of business management.
The Olympiad was held in offline (participants of Ufa educational organizations) and online forms. A total of 90 people took part: 33 teams, each team – no more than 3 participants. Ufa was represented in offline format by: students of secondary schools – 11 teams (Lyceum №96, schools № 27 and №110); colleges – 1 team (BIST); universities – 11 teams (Institute of History and Public Administration of Ufa University of Science and Technology; Ufa State Petroleum Technical University; Bashkir Cooperative Institute; Bashkir state Agrarian University and BIST).
The online format was attended by students of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of Tashkent State University of Economics (Republic of Uzbekistan), as well as the school of Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; GAPOU Bashkir College of Architecture, Construction and Public Utilities; Blagoveshchensk branch of GAPOU Bashkir College of Architecture, Construction and Public Utilities; GBPOU Ufa State College of Technology and Design.
The competition among the teams was high. During the game, the participants had to show their skills in managing an economic object, analytical processing of economic information in order to make competent economic decisions.
The members of the Organizing Committee evaluated each level of passing the game – from the test to the result. Not only its outcome was taken into account, but also the effectiveness of management, the literacy of the use of financial instruments. The general conclusion: all the teams coped with the tasks as a whole, but someone was more resourceful, someone did not have enough time to choose the final solution. Most importantly, according to the participants themselves, the knowledge and experience gained during the preparation for the Olympics, without a doubt, were beneficial.
The results of the Olympiad have been summed up. Diplomas will be sent to the winners, all participants will receive Certificates, and heads of teams and educational organizations will receive Letters of Thanks.