On December 27, 2024, the Bank of Russia received a Letter of Thanks in which it expressed gratitude to Tanzilya Altafovna Nigmatullina, Director of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, a team of teachers and students for their active participation in projects aimed at improving financial literacy of the population.
In addition, this is no coincidence: in recent years, financial literacy has become one of the key topics on the agenda for both the state and society as a whole. The Bank of Russia is actively working on the development of programs aimed at educating citizens on the basics of financial planning, personal finance management and responsible lending.
Our university has been working on improving financial literacy for a number of years. It includes not only active participation in the activities of the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy, but also implements its projects in this area, as well as conducts public education and advanced training courses for chairmen of Councils of apartment buildings, in which they learn the basics of sound financial management.
Separate work on financial literacy is conducted with children from orphanages, the parent community, and students from schools and colleges.
The Heritage Museum has been created at the university, where expositions telling about the history of money are presented, guided tours are conducted not only for our students, but also for students of schools and colleges in the region.
In addition, since 2010, the Financial Service Consultant BIST has been operating, which provides consulting assistance to the population of Ufa.
For a number of years, the university has been holding the Republican Championship in the interactive online social game “Zheka”, the world’s first game that teaches how to save money for housing and communal services in the house, as well as the Republican, and since 1923 the International Olympiad in Strategic Management, the purpose of which is to familiarize students with the theory and practice of corporate finance, modern algorithms of financial and investment decisions.
It is simply impossible to list all the events.
The university will continue to work on improving financial literacy of different age groups of the population.