The ХIІI International conference of young scientists, graduate students and students took place on April 25, 2014. It was organized by the Donbass national academy of architecture and construction and the Bashkir institute of social technologies. 8 students of our higher education institution, representatives of Agency of housing and communal services technologies, prepared their performances.
Section meeting “Economy, managements, finance: the condition, problems and prospects of development” was held оn-line. Within the section the following questions were examined:
- Improvement of social and economic development at the state, regional and local levels.
- Increase of efficiency of adoption of administrative decisions at the enterprises of construction and municipal economy.
- Strategy and tactics of investment and innovative development of the region.
- Status, problems and prospects of development of the financial relations.
- Problems and prospects of development of social investment: micro and macro aspect.
K. Alexandrov, the student of the 1st year of the specialty “Law-enforcement Activity” (the research supervisor — N.M. Marushina, the moderator of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center C.T.S., associate professor) made the report “Information and communication technologies in work of council of an apartment house”. Roman Musin, the student of the 4th year of law department (the research supervisor — A.F. Gabzalilov the head of Agency “Housing-technology” of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center) on the example of Council of an apartment house examined questions of interaction of association of homeowners with administrative bodies. Prospects of development of the industry of hospitality of the Republic of Bashkortostan became a subject of the report of E. Davydova, student of the 4th year of financial and economic faculty (the research supervisor — O.V. Aleshkin, C.E.S., the associate professor of management and the industry of hospitality).
The Ukrainian side presented interesting messages on experience of foreign countries in the solution of problems of housing and communal services and on the condition of this question in Ukraine.
Questions asked on each side demonstrate that the raised problems are relevant to everyone. And joint discussions are not only experience of participation in scientific discussions, but also joint search of the best versions of the solution of these or those questions.