Scientific seminar “Development of the new priorities of regional financial policies to stimulate sustainable economic development,” took place on April 16, 2015 at the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies with the support of the Research Financial Institute (RFI).
Moderator was T.A. Nigmatullina, the director of BIST, head of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Center, Doctor of Political Sciences.

И.Н. Рыкова
Head of the Center of Industrial Economics RFI Rykova Inna Nikolaevna gave a presentation on the topic: “The financing mechanism of infrastructure projects and the valuation of the effectiveness of public budget investment, with the prioritization of budget spending.”

И.Г. Нигматуллин
I.G. Nigmatulin, deputy of the State Assembly — Kurultai of the Republic Bashkortostan, a member of the Committee of the State Assembly — Kurultai of the Republic Bashkortostan on the budget, tax, investment policy and territorial development, gave a presentation on the topic: “The financial policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan: approaches and priorities”.
R.S. Khismatullina, Chairman of the National Assembly Committee — Kurultai of the Republic Bashkortostan on the budget, tax, investment policy and territorial development took part in the discussion; I.U. Zulkarnai, head of the laboratory study of socio-economic problems in the regions of the Economic, Finance and Business Institute, of the Bashkir State University; A.S. Zubairov, managing bank VTB-24 NGO Ufa, Chairman of Permanent Commission of the Municipal Council on budget, finance and taxes of Ufa RB; R.V. Gibadullin, the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in Republic Bashkortostan; S.F. Harasov, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Republic Bashkortostan; and etc.
According to the results of the workshop a special issue of the journal “Vestnik BIST” is preparing. Scientists have sent materials from Moscow, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Ufa, the former Soviet republics — Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan and others.