Students of the 4th year of law department Yevgenya Safonova and Evgeny Chizhidov and their scientific tutor Irina Solodkaya were back from the XI All-Russian competition of youth educational institutions and scientific organizations for the best work “My Legislative Initiative” as the winners.
The students told us about their journey:
“Every year — the eleventh time — the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian public organization “National system of scientific, creative and innovative activities of Russian Youth “Integration” conduct All-Russia competition of youth educational institutions and scientific organizations for the best work “My legislative initiative”. Its main objectives — promotion of principles of formation of a lawful state, attraction young people to public administration through its participation in the legislative process; creation of conditions for the training of personnel reserve of political leaders and experts in the field of legal regulation; promote the dissemination and development of legal culture among young people and attract talented young people to cooperate with the committees of the State Duma, State Duma deputies, public authorities and local authorities, the receiving apparatus of deputy in the Russian Federation. The competition traditionally held in two stages — distance and in presence.
We were lucky enough to take part in the forum — distance as well as in presence. Work on the project under the guidance of senior lecturer Irina Solodkaya began in February 2016. The theme of the project — “Criminal legal measures to combat corruption in the context of national security”.
We worked on the project, we can say, day and night, put a lot of effort into work and, of course, very worried whether our legislative initiative passes 1st — distance — stage of the Competition. When we got an invitation to the second — in presence tour, we were so happy! We participated in a such event for the first time, and we were very happy that the first stage we passed successfully.
The second stage took place from 18 to 20 May in Moscow. We were waited at the Red Square, and together with all participants, we went in to “Nepetsino” of President of the Russian Federation. We were surprised by the beautiful nature: a large area was covered in greenery.
Over 300 participants from all over Russia presented their legislative initiatives and proposals. We presented our work in Section № 7 “Defense and Security”, where, apart from us, there were 50 participants.
Questions were asked a lot: and experts, and participants of the competition. Despite the excitement, we were able to present our legislative initiatives clearly, and to answer all questions. The result — a high assessment of the expert jury and the 1st place among 50 participants. The work included in the collection contest materials theses, published by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”.