In UNEVOC Centre passed the final of the project management championship

April 30, 2019 in Ufa, at the UNEVOC Center in the Russian Federation on the base of Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies I National Championship in project management IPMAYoungCrew of Russia ended.

The organizers of the championship are Baskir Institute of Social Technologies (the branch of) The Academy of Labour and Social Relations – The Unevok Centre in Russian Federation, Youth Public Chamber under the Council of the city district the city of Ufa, Bashkortostan Republic, the Project Management Association “SOVNET” Regional Youth Team in project management IPMA Young Crew  SOVNET Bashkortostan.

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ILO celebrates 100th anniversary

As part of the events dedicated to the anniversary on the official website of the International Labor Organization published the interactive history of the organization. Nine chapters of historical photo- , video- and audioblocks
supplemented by interesting facts and predictions for the future

Summed up the IPMA Young Crew Project Management Championship 2019

Based on qualifications for the Final of the First National Championship of Russia in project management – the National final IPMA[1] Young Crew Project Management Championship 2019 teams from Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (Ufa), Yaroslavl State University. Named after P.G. Demidov, (Yaroslavl), National Research South Ural University (Chelyabinsk) and Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

Finalists will compete for the main prize – the right to represent Russia at the international finals which will pass in Germany this year from May 31 to June 02.

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International round table: discussing green technologies

March 20, 2019 at our institute – the Unevoc Centre in Russian Federation an international roundtable was held, dedicated to the discussion of environmental issues and urban environment “Green Territory Infrastructure: Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow”. The meeting discussed so relevant for urban environment as the role of green spaces in shaping the landscape and aesthetics of urban spaces, ecology of big cities and landscape industry, preservation and development of recreational and park areas urban forests; green infrastructure innovation, landscaping system reconstruction and reconstruction of lost natural and green landscapes, urban areas environmental education and intersectoral collaboration system. Led the meeting Tanzilya Altafovna Nigmatullina, our director, deputy of the Council of the urban district of the city of Ufa of Bashcortostan Republic, Doctor of Political Science.

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UNEVOC centre to become a regional centre for project management

On March 14, 2019, a bilateral cooperation agreement was signed between the UNEVOC Center and the Partner Center of the international certification body IMQ. Subject of the agreement: development of the UNEVOC center as a center of competence in the field of system management and project management in the system of higher and secondary vocational education in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Following the signing of the agreement, it was decided to jointly hold the First National Russian Project Management Championship IPMA Young Crew.

March webinar with the European colleagues and regional coordinators

On march 12 BIST held another working webinar on the Torino process with the colleagues joining from Moscow and Tula.

Our coordinator Tanzilya Nigmatullina informed our European colleagues about the measures undertaken to prepare the information for the report on the state of vocational education and training in our region, further plans and events aimed at implementing Torino process in the Republic of Bashkortostan. We also shared the new website created about the Torino process in our region that our institute is using to accumulate all the materials available to us, including guidelines, previous regional and country reports, and official forms and indicators, and ultimately share our updates.

Our European curators took interest in our endeavors and offered to send us the most current materials and technologies. Our next online meeting will take place in April, we are looking forward to sharing some preliminary results soon.