We get ready for the next meeting of the SCO Member States in 2014 and for the meeting of Heads of state and government of BRICS countries in 2015 in Ufa

On 31 July 2013, the International Round Table Russia and Kazakhstan: political and legal, economic and sociocultural arguments of cooperation took place at the UNESCO-­UNEVOC Center in the Russian Federation.

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Students’ Contribution to the work of UNESCO-UNEVOC Center

Seeing the importance of modernization of HCS system for the stabilization of the social and economic condition of the Russian society, the students began the development of the Youth Resources to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services Project.  Подробнее »

All-Russian Conference Novelties in the Housing legislation of the Russian Federation

On 26 March 2013, the All-Russian Conference Novelties in the Housing legislation of the Russian Federation. Creation of regional systems of general overhaul of apartment houses and the activity of the Fund of assistance in Housing and Communal Services reforming in 2013–2015 took place at the Congress hall.  Подробнее »

Official Opening of UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre

The grand opening of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation on the base of Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies took place on 7 December 2012.
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