Seminar of deputy heads of educational organizations and teachers-navigators

On October 27, 2023, a seminar “Implementation of projects on early vocational guidance of schoolchildren “Profminimum” and “Ticket to the Future” was held in Birsk. It was attended by the head of the career guidance sector of the State Educational Institution DPO TSOPP RB, head of the project “Ticket to the Future” N.S. Kuchaeva, head of the Department of Information and Methodological Work E.V. Plotnikova, municipal curator of the project “Ticket to the Future” methodologist of the Department of Information and Methodological Work Knyazeva N.N. Participants were introduced to the purpose and the tasks of the project and the nuances of working on the platform.

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Professions in IT – decide who to become after school: All-russian forum for grades 9-11

On October 21-22 psychologists, representatives of IT professions, and the best universities told how to choose a specialty, pass the OGE or USE, and enter a university. The following questions were considered:

🔸 what employees do IT companies need and what skills will they need to work;
🔸 where to go to get a digital profession;
🔸 how does studying at the best universities in the country work?
🔸 how to prepare for the Unified State Exam to get 80+ points;
🔸 why the OGE is the first step in a digital career.

Round table “Children with unlimited opportunities: practices of organizing career guidance and professional self-determination for children with special needs”

The round table was held on October 20, 2023. Within its framework, the speakers talked about the tools and practices that they use in working with children with disabilities. Great interest was aroused by such topics as “New forms of career guidance for students with disabilities” (Olga Pozdnyakova, Ph.D., Head of the Department for the Development of Professional Qualifications of the Kemerovo Region PSC); “IT professions without borders. Training for people of race” (Natalia Perepelkina, Product Manager of the direction for work with state authorities of the Netology Platform); “Professional orientation as an element of socialization of people with special educational needs” (Oksana Yerofeeva, Head of the Career Guidance Center of the Abilimpics Movement Development Center in the Republic of Bashkortostan); “Organization of career guidance work (from experience GBOU Sterlitamak KSHI) (Olga Korshak, social teacher of the highest category of the Sterlitamak correctional boarding school for deaf and hard of hearing students).

The future of industries

On October 18, 2023, a meeting of youth initiatives and career development “The Future of Industries” took place based on the Center for Advanced Vocational Training of the Republic of Bashkortostan within the framework of the All-Russian project “Points of Attraction”.

90 activists of student councils of professional educational organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan became participants in the meetup.

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Online seminar “Development of interactive posters, made with the help of Internet services and application programs”

On October 18, 2023, an online training seminar was held for the teachers of technical mechanics, engineering graphics and metrology of the VET of the Republic of Belarus under this name.

The expert analysis of the competition for teachers of general professional disciplines “THE BEST INTERACTIVE POSTER 2023” was conducted, the winners and prize-winners of the competition shared their experience in interactive posters developing using Internet resources and applications, they also discussed key issues on organizing and conducting the Republican Olympiad in Technical Mechanics and the Republican Student Presentation Competition “The role of metrology standardization and certification in my future professional activity.”

The First International Skills Competition in Strategic Management was held at BIST

First International Competition in Strategic Management using a computer business game “BUSINESS-COURSE: MAXIMUM”, initiated by the Department of Economics and Information Technology of BIST, has been taking place at our university for seven years, but this year it received a new status – it became International. Among the participants were the students of the Finance and Accounting Department of the Tashkent State University of Economics (Republic of Uzbekistan).

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