Methodological seminars on the formation of financial literacy through Olympiads, quizzes, contests continue

On November 7, another seminar, initiated by the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy, was held.

The program included performances of:

– Olga Andreeva, federal expert of the ADFL, Head of the Department of Philology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Ph.D., Associate Professor. Topic: «Experience in implementing financial education methods for children in orphanages in Moscow»:

Marina Khrabovskaya, President of the family foundation for the promotion of the protection of childhood, motherhood and fatherhood. Topic: «Peculiarities of focusing interest in financial literacy lessons among children from orphanages»:

Natalia Savinova, teacher-organizer of the State Educational Institution «Orphanage» in Orsk, Orenburg region. Topic: «Formation of financial literacy among pupils of the State Educational Institution “Orphanage” in Orsk»:

Victoria Lukovskaya, a specialist in the Financial Literacy program of the contribution to the future charitable foundation. Topic: «Volunteer program «Financial literacy for children from orphanages»:

 The purpose of the program is to form financially literate behavior among graduates of orphanages, i.e. to teach children to act without risk to themselves in real life and/or in non-standard situations.

In the final part of the seminar, the speakers answered the questions of the participants.

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