Republican youth forum “Youth Choice — science, art, health!” took place in the Institute on May 12, 2016.
The participants — students and school students — worked in three sections. In the “Interactive Science Platform” presentation of the winners of the republican round of the All-Russian Olympiad and student scientific works in the field of drug prevention discussed. “Creative Workshop” showed how to use creativity effectively in any activity, including the prevention of drug abuse. In the “Laboratory of health” people spoke of motivational techniques and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
The round table “The potential of young people — the national security of Russia” aroused great interest, where topical issues of national policy and security in various spheres of public life, as well as the effectiveness of conciliation technologies as a factor of strengthening national security discussed.
According to the results of the Forum a resolution was adopted, reflecting a point of view of the participants on the discussed issues.