January 2022. Topic: “The experience of vocational educational organizations in introducing a mentoring system into the educational process.”
February 2022. Topic: “The implementation issues of inclusive education in vocational educational organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan.”
March 2022. Forum of directors of vocational educational organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The forum included the meeting of the Board of Directors of colleges. Topic: “Strategic objectives of the vocational education system of the Republic of Bashkortostan”.

April 2022. Topic of the discussion: “Collaborative mechanism between vocational educational organizations and businesses in providing qualified personnel for the regional labour market.”
May 2022. Topic of the discussion: “The analysis of the best practices in the implementation of development/modernization programmes of vocational educational organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The introduction of the best project portfolios of vocational educational organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan.”
June 2022. Topic of the discussion: “Development of public-private partnership: the collaboration experience with social partners in the framework of the economic activities of agricultural colleges.”
September, 30th. Topic of the discussion: “The results of the vocational educational organization activities in the 2021-2022 academic year and goals for the new academic year.”
October 2022. The discussion topic: “Professionality” Programme: goals and objectives.”
Results: For the system of secondary vocational education, the past academic year was very dynamic and fruitful. It began with a large-scale event and the results of the IX National Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia)” jump-started the development of the regional system of secondary vocational education and showed its great potential;
A new management structure has been formed – the Republican Council for Secondary Vocational Education chaired by the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Measures were taken to implement the federal project “Young Professionals”, which made it possible to significantly modernize the material and technical resources of the republican colleges.
Within the framework of the federal project “Professionality”, 400 million rubles were raised from the federal budget, aimed at creating new industry centres for advanced professional training for a number of industries in the region.
Objectives: participation in the Abilympics national championship, which will be held in Moscow from October 28 to October 31 this year. About 40 participants from the Republic will take part in it.
Implementation of a large-scale project of the Ministry of Education of Russia – a set of extracurricular classes “Important conversations”.