In 2021, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the state autonomous institution of additional vocational education “Center for Advanced Vocational Training of the Republic of Bashkortostan” (hereinafter TSOPP) was established as part of the implementation of the National Project “Education”. Its main goal is to coordinate the development and use of the resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan for advanced vocational training, including vocational guidance, accelerated vocational training, training, retraining, advanced training of all categories of citizens in the most popular, new and promising professions and competencies at a level corresponding to the best international standards and practices.
Republican educational and methodological associations have been established in the SPE system to coordinate the activities of professional educational organizations and to ensure the quality and development of the content of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SPE). Its structure includes a Regional coordination center for professional Skill Championships. The purpose of the center is to provide Republic economics with qualified personnel with an appropriate professional educational task:
– the creation and development of the infrastructure of the “Professionals” movement in the Republic of Bashkortostan;
– the formation of a list of prior competencies for regional events;
– the organization and holding of championships, socially significant events on professional skills;
– the development of the system of school competitions;
– conducting a demonstration exam in the Republic of Bashkortostan;
– the provision of consulting and expert services.