On December 22, 2021, the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan R.F. Khabirov signed the Decree “On the Republican Council for Secondary Vocational Education”.
According to the Decree, the Republican Council for Secondary Vocational Education was founded, its tasks were defined, the composition of the Council was approved, which included the heads of government institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan, directors of the colleges in the region, employers’ representatives and representatives of the UNEVOC Center in the Russian Federation based in the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch of) the Educational Institution of Trade Unions “Academy of Labor and Social Relations”.

The main tasks of the Council:
- drawing up the recommendations for correlation of the system of personnel training in secondary vocational education and the personnel requirements of the economy of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
- developing measures aimed at further improvement of the material and technical resources of dormitories, sports, healthcare, public catering and culture facilities of educational organizations;
- developing measures and proposals aimed at educational organizations advancement and improving the social status of students, teachers and other employees of educational organizations;
- assisting in the development of interregional and international relations of educational organizations;
- assisting in the implementation of innovative projects in colleges and vocational schools to form a system of cooperation with business structures as business incubators; development and implementation of projects on creating autonomous educational institutions, introduction of vocational educational programmes, training and further training people with disabilities, etc.