Vocational education and training (VET) is at the interface between education and the world of work. VET systems must adapt to the many transitions that are reshaping education systems and labor markets around the world: the uncertain social and economic recovery post-2030; technological changes leading to the fourth industrial revolution based on digitalization, automation and artificial intelligence; the resurgence of informal employment even in advanced economies; contrasting demographic changes; and, finally, the need for a radical transformation of the world economy in order to achieve sustainable development and reduce net greenhouse gas emissions.
VET systems need to be proactive in how they adapt to these transitions. These systems should incentivize people to learn throughout their lives, constantly improving their skills and responding to the demands of society, support an economy in which the demand for skills in the labor market will change rapidly, and support societies that will increasingly face social, political and environmental changes.
You can join the discussion of these issues on the world stage on December 7 and 8, 2021 at the UNESCO International Conference “Transforming Vocational Education and Training to Optimize the Transition” at the link: