According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the idea of introducing entrepreneurship into education in recent decades has been of concern to many. Mainly because entrepreneurship generates economic growth, creates jobs and, in addition, promotes creativity, innovation and the involvement of our students in the learning process. On the other hand, evidence suggests that the only way to develop an entrepreneurial spirit is to learn by doing.
However, this approach is not enough. It is essential that our students work in inter- and multidisciplinary teams and that they interact with people in the real world, outside the classroom. In turn, for learning teams to be true role models, they need to be connected to stakeholders from the business world. In this context, the First International Congress on Entrepreneurship and Education – CIEE 2021 aims to bring together the entrepreneurial ecosystem with the educational ecosystem for synergy and building bridges between them.
The event will take place on November 26 and 27, 2021 at the Virtual Campus.
The organizers want to convey the importance of using disciplinary skills to do something new and risk investing in it. “We want to do our part to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in people, starting with the 2030 Agenda. For this reason, we will focus on transformational experiences using communications, conferences, workshops and networking sessions.”