On September 12, 2013 within the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir institute of social technologies there took place the meeting of the International round table “Priority projects of integration cooperation of Russia and Belorussia”.
Representatives of authorities, scientific community, public organizations and students of the Republic of Bashkortostan took part in its work. Representatives of the Belorusian state university (Minsk), the head of the youth movement “Young Eurasia” and the head of the Center of the Euroasian and European cooperation of Institute of EurAsEC U. Kofner (Moscow) worked online.
The questions discussed by participants were concerned the most different directions:
Euroasian Union as a new form of social and economic arrangement of the states.
Organizational and structural features of an institutionalization of supranational agency of the Euroasian Union (prerequisite of formation of the Euroasian parliament).
Union State. The union of Russia — Belorussia.
Commonwealth of Independent States: 20 years of political transformations.
Experience, problems and prospects of innovative cooperation of Russia and Belarussia: geopolitics of the relations; education and sciences; boundary potential of the Russian-Belarusian cooperation.
Speeches of participants — representatives of the Republic of Bashkortostan: “Political and economic borders of the Euroasian cooperation”, “Joint educational projects of Russia and Belorussia”, “Development of rural cooperation in the conditions of market economy”, “The Republic of Bashkortostan as the innovative platform of implementation of the Russian-Belarusian projects”, “Youth parliamentarism in the Republic of Bashkortostan” were listened by attendees with great attention.
The performances of our partners — Vasilevich Grigory Alekseevich, the honored lawyer of Republic of Belorussia, the doctor of jurisprudence, professor, the head of the department of a constitutional justice of law department of the Belorusian state university caused big interest. He took up questions of a role of acts of the Customs Union in the national legal system of Republic of Belorussia. Kofner Yurii Yuryevich acquainted attendees with activity of the Euroasian youth parliament in the former Soviet Union.
During the discussion many offers and wishes were stated, all of them were considered in the joint resolution and both were sent to the public cultural centers, legislative parliaments, scientific and educational cen- ters and organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the Russian Federation and Republic of Belorussia.