The Republican forum of talented and initiative youth “Youth Event 2013” was open on the 30th of September under the auspices of the Ministry of Sport and youth policy of the Bashkortostan Republic with assistance of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir institute of social technologies. Young people — participants of “Seliger of 2013” and “iVolga 2013”, and also members of regional projects of Federal agency “Rosmolodezh” participated in the Forum. Experts A.N. Hudoleev, the president of the Center of development of youth parliamentarism in Russia, and A.N. Arbuzov, the director training center “New life” (Abakan), the member of Civic chamber of the Russian Federation trained participants to make “road maps” of projects, to plan resources, to try to obtain support in realization of ideas for three days.
With the results of work of the forum was made the decision to create the Youth center of innovations and design of the Republic of Bashkortostan on the basis of Agency of design technologies of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center, and also to preparation of special issue of the scientific magazine “Vestnik BIST (Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies)” with the publication of the best youth projects.