World Cleanup Day at BIST

World Cleanup Day is a day when the entire planet (over 180 countries, and in Russia, over 50 regions) comes together to clean up natural areas.

Naturally, the BIST community couldn’t stand aside. On Saturday, September 20, on World Cleanup Day, officially established in September 2018, students and faculty of BIST conducted a clean-up not only of the university grounds but also participated in an environmental campaign initiated by the leadership of the capital of Bashkortostan.

«Participating in this environmental campaign is a testament to the fact that our students are patriots of their university and their republic, they are not indifferent to their surroundings, they see themselves as active participants in the life of the city and want our Ufa to continue to thrive», noted Tanzilya Altafovna, director of BIST.

This action is another example of student responsibility and love for their hometown. It demonstrated the cohesion of the student body and its willingness to contribute to the creation of a clean and well-maintained city.

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