«HR-brand of the russian university: myth or reality»

Under this name, on October 9, a webinar was held in the format of a Round table, which examined the key factors of successful university management, issues of personnel policy and human capital development in the context of rapid changes in the educational environment and growing requirements for higher education institutions.

The meeting was attended by representatives of colleges and universities in the regions of Russia, including the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch) of the EUP VO «Academy of Labor and Social Relations».

The speakers of the meeting were:

– Latyshev Andrey Sergeevich, an advisor to the rector of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University for strategic development, an expert in the field of personnel management and development in government and business structures.

– Moiseenko Maria Sergeevna, an expert on communication support for university transformations.

– Yanzen Konstantin Ivanovich, an expert in the field of personnel management and development in commercial organizations and international companies.

The participants of the Round table discussed the following questions:

– What is the HR-brand of the university?
– What tools will help build a strong HR-brand? How to measure its effectiveness, given that universities today compete not only for students, but also for their best specialists – teachers, researchers and administrative staff?
– How does attracting and retaining talent relate to the reputation of the university in the labor market?
– Real cases of successful universities: What works? What doesn’t work?

The webinar was not only interesting, but also very useful for the heads of educational institutions and for the teaching staff. After its completion, the teachers continued to discuss the topics, raised at the Round Table meeting.

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