From October 13 to October 15 in Ufa there took place the interregional forum “Modern City 2013”. It brought together participants from many cities of Russia.
The UNESKO-UNEVOK Center presented the project “Housing and communal services technology” at the XVII specialized exhibition “Stroytekhekspo. Municipal services. Energy saving 2013”.
We presented the thematic stand with showing the presentations of achievements in the sphere of educational programs and the organization of the exhibition of novelties of the organizations of the city and the republic in the field of power effective technologies.
We received many awards for the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center work: the letter of thanks from the Minister of housing and communal services of the republic for development and deployment of innovative projects in the field of housing and communal services, the Diploma of the Organizing committee of the exhibition for innovative approach to training for housing and communal services and attraction of a public resource to its reforming, the Diploma of the Organizing committee for the best promotion action at the exhibition and the Cup for “The best thematic stand at the exhibition”.
All this (both participation and awards, and new impressions, and acquaintances, and friendly professional communications) certainly gives a new impulse to further development of Agency of housing and communal services technologies.