The III Social forum of Russia took place in Moscow on October, 9.
Its mission was:
- large-scale presentation of social initiatives of the state, business and society;
- creation of the all-Russian platform for an exchange of opinions on hot topics of social policy, strengthening of professional contacts of participants of social reforming of Russia;
- formation of approaches to increase of availability of the social sphere and efficiency of its infrastructure;
- search of mechanisms of creation of the new function-oriented and customer-oriented national model of social service providing the high level of concession of social services;
- assistance to development of socially oriented NPOs.
The organizers of the Social forum were: Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russia; State Duma of Federal Assembly of Russia; Government of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation; Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Agency of strategic initiatives of promotion of new projects”; Civic chamber of the Russian Federation; Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Center of Information Strategy”.
T.A. Nigmatullina, the head of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir institute of social technologies took part in yhe work of the Forum. She made the message “Dialogue of youth and the power: regional algorithm” in section “The state and youth: mutual social obligations”. The main keynote of her performance — youth cannot be ready in one stage harmonous and logical system of its education is necessary. If we will attach to participation in nation-wide affairs and let know the subjectivity since the childhood, then there will be no question of patriotism and responsibility for the made actions. Tanzilya Altafovna shared the experience of the effective innovative forms of children’s and youth participation in nation-wide processes created at institute. Her proposals are included in the general Resolution:
- To use the experience of subjects of the Russian Federation to create the children’s parliamentary organizations for further broadcasting at the federal level for the purpose of joining children to socially useful and political activity.
- To develop vertically horizontal model of youth international Councils for levels: Volga federal district — its subjects, municipalities for the purpose of the organization of new platforms for international dialogue, formation of tolerance, responsible civil behavior, assistance to organs of the public power, public and national and cultural associations in the solution of a wide range of questions of this delicate sphere.
- To make changes to the functioning legislation in the sphere of youth policy of the Russian Federation for the purpose of a regulation of the principles and forms of participation of youth in activity of public authorities and local self-government.