On December 1 in the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir institute of social technologies there took place the seminar on the subject “Effective Methods of Formation of Tolerant Installations among Young People” organized with assistance of the Ministry of youth policy and sport of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The heads of agencies of affairs of youth of thirty municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan became participants of a seminar.
It is no secret that young people represent a fertile field for formation of extremist installations. The situation is complicated by the fact that the youth consciousness is not completely created therefore ideologists of extremist associations and groups can use this situation, spreading favorable installations among young people. For this reason the youth needs special attention from the public and the government administrative institutions.
According to the moderator of a seminar M.A. Belyaev, the head of Agency of conciliatory technologies of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center, in modern Russian society the problem of youth extremism assumes a number of ways of the decision including active influence on formation of installations of tolerance of youth. The greatest attention is required by interethnic interactions among young people as the youth is distinguished by extreme views, the emotional and sensual relation to the world. Process of formation of installations of tolerance has to include various social institutes which are directly influencing socialization of youth. This function, in fact, is carried out by Committees on affairs of youth in the cities and areas of the republic.
In the lecture and during training “Polycultural competence as a tolerance development factor” Maxim Anatolyevich noted the fact that modern young specialists need to own ethics and culture and ability to solve professional problems in polycultural society quickly, and also to be able to suppress various conflicts arising on a national basis.