On February 13, 2014 at the Bashkir institute of social technologies the International round table “The Kyrgyz-Bashkir youth network structures in the context of the Euroasian integration” took place online.
The round table was organized on the initiative of our UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre; The Centre for Geopolitical Studies “Berlek-Unity” youth social movement “Center of Public Diplomacy”; Department of youth initiatives in EurAsEC Institute PPO Foundation “Eurasians — the new wave” in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, representations of the Russian cooperation in the Republic Kyrgyzstan.
The moderator of the round table was the director of the Institute, head of UNESCO-UNEVOC Center T.A. Nigmatullina.
The discussion analyzed the topical issues such as the role and methods of the network of communities, problems of Kyrgyz-Bashkir youth networks based on Eurasian values, etc., and mechanisms of interaction of youth of two republics were offered.
Roundtable participants noted the importance of similar meetings and expressed confidence that the recommendations made by the results of the work will contribute to the strengthening of cooperation and rapprochement of Kyrgyzstan and Bashkortostan youth.