On August 22–25, 2014 at our institute, for employees of OJSC “Management of Housing Sipaylovsky of Oktyabrsky District of Ufa RB” and OJSC “Management of Housing of Oktyabrskiy district of Ufa RB” Agency of housing and communal services technologies together with Agency of educational technologies and Agency of conciliatory technologies of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center held the training seminar “Management of housing stock of an apartment house”.
The sphere of housing and communal services remains to one of the most socially intense. Direct consumers are owners of premises and they want to receive high-quality services. In turn, workers of housing and communal services are ready to provide these services but unfortunately do not always have enough available resources, practical experience, and also skills of permission of the arising conflicts and disputes.
Therefore in the training program of a seminar such questions as concept and conditions of emergence of the housing and municipal conflict, technology of resolution of conflicts in housing sector, algorithm of effective work of dispatching services with the arriving complaints from owners of premises, conciliatory technologies (mediation) in practice of management of an apartment house were provided. M.A. Belyaev, a professional mediator, the head of Agency of conciliatory technologies of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir institute of social technologies was the moderator of discussion of this block of questions.
The format of the business game participants were presented with the possibility of using modern technologies conciliation of mediation to resolve arising disputes.
K.I. Smirnova, practical psychologist, head of Psychological service of BIST acquainted participants of the seminar with the basic rules of establishment and maintenance of psychological contact with owners of premises and effective technicians of communication, with psychological methods of statement of questions and active hearing. The information on the main requirements to carrying out meetings of residents, conditions of effective communication and business communication with residents was also useful to listeners.
The second day of the training seminar “Management of housing stock of an apartment house” was devoted to discussion of standard and legal bases of maintaining housing and communal services and information technologies in housing sector.
The reform of housing and communal services concerned first of all its standard and legal regulationIn recent years a large number of changes is made in the existing normative legal acts. A.A. Alimnafarova, the head of legal department of MBU of Management of housing and communal services of Ufa, discussed with listeners questions of consideration by courts of disputes between management company as the performer of utilities and owners of premises. She analysed the practice of consideration by courts of cases of collecting debt for the put municipal resources. Also the questions of the signing, interpretation and performance of the contract of management of an apartment house, precontractual disputes and the main disagreements under the contract of delivery of municipal resources were discussed. During lecture listeners asked many questions connected with own practice of work with arrears of residents.
N.G. Khakhalkina, professional mediator, acquainted listeners with modern information technologies in housing sector, with the ways of maintaining mass media of successful information work in housing sector and effective response of management company to critiques and complaints published in the press. The particular interest in listeners was caused by discussion of the “Websites of Houses as the Platform for Communication of trust company and Owners of Premises” project.
Introduction of innovative technologies in housing and communal services is a need of today. A.F. Gabzalilov, head of Agency “Housing-technology” in UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre
in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies gave listeners up to date information about the technology of “smart house”, “Green Technology” and the benefits of their implementation in the management of housing and communal services of apartment buildings of the city.
Listeners received answers to all their questions, our experts made exhaustive practical recommendations about work with owners of premises.