A regular session of the School of literate consumers was held by T.A. Nigmatullina on February 11, 2015 the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, held.
The audience — students and members of the Children’s BIST Public Legal Chamber had a particular interest in the P.R. Kachkaev performance, the State Duma deputy, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services. He gave a brief description of housing and utilities sector “more than 4,5 trillion rubles are in annual turnover in the sphere of housing and communal services, the country’s GDP of about 7%, there are more than 60 thousand enterprises communal services in the sphere of housing and communal, 3,5 million workers, 49 million apartments and personal accounts, 2,2 million apartment buildings — 40% are needed of major repairs. Paul Rurikovich focused on the main stages of the reform of housing and communal services and priorities to modernize existing rights of owners.
А. Volkov, Chairman of the Association management companies and HOA RB said that to increase literacy among young people, online game on energy saving “Gheka” was developed by the Foundation for Housing Reform in April 2014. This game allows you with fascinating way learn advanced technologies of energy saving and learn the way to save the cost of housing and communal services in daily lives (for everyone who wants to play in it — www.igra-jeka.ru).
At the end of the class Tanzilya Altafovna offered to host the championship based on this game among schoolchildren. A founder of the tournament will be the Children’s Public Legal Chamber. In turn, the President of the Chamber — Aisylu Sakhiev — expressed her position: “It is very important for young people to know not only the nicety of Housing to learn to use the resources properly, but also to be aware of the reforms holding in this the area as a part of our lives. We are happy to conduct this implementation to share our knowledge with our peers that will be useful for the society and all citizens in general”.