The grand opening of training courses for the chairmen of the Councils of houses on the program “Management of the housing stock for MKD Soviets houses (House Committee)” was at the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, September 29, 2015.
The organizers were the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, town center of public control in the sphere of housing and communal services in Ufa, supported by the Administration of the capital, the Ministry of Housing of the Republic, Public Council under the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Regional Center “National center of public control in the sphere of housing and communal services” Housing Control”.
The event was attended by S.I. Afonin Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic Bashkortostan, his deputy, A.Z. Zinnatullin, chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Housing and Utilities RB, T.A. Nigmatullina Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC Center, director of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, A.A. Fedosov head of the Office of Administration of city life GO Ufa, A.N. Dubovskii, the head of the regional center of public control in the sphere of housing and communal services, R.N. Bulatov director of the Center for Urban public control in the sphere of housing and communal services of Ufa.
The main task is prepare chairmen of house committees to communicate competent with management companies and tenants. Classes are conducted by leading experts in the field of housing and communal services, lawyers specializing in housing issues.
The program includes such topical issues housing and communal services, as a basis for state policy in the field of reforming housing and communal services of Russia and Republic Bashkortostan, legal, economic and organizational bases of the apartment building management, maintenance and repairs of property, pricing fundamentals for housing services and the formation of tariffs for services maintenance and repair of buildings, Repair of houses.
UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre, City Centre public control in the sphere of housing and communal services in Ufa, supported by the Administration of Ufa Republic Bashkortostan, Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic Bashkortostan, the Public Council under the Ministry of the Republic Bashkortostan public utility and regional center “National center of public control in the sphere of housing and communal services “Housing control” were the organizers of the training courses.
In general, about fifty chairmen of house committee have learnt training courses under a special program recently. Organizers said, it is hard to find so grateful listeners in the current universities — they catch every experts’ word. Chairmen have given the opportunity to ask questions to Alfred Zinatullin the Deputy Minister of Housing RB, Elena Rodina chairman of the State Assembly Committee — Kurultai of the Republic Bashkortostan on housing policy and infrastructure development, Tanzilya Nigmatullina the chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic, Anatoly Dubovsky head of the regional center of public control in the sphere of housing and communal services.
Generally, during two days the “students” learnt the basic data about the state policy in the field of reforming housing and communal services of Russia and the region, studied the legal, economic and organizational basis for home control, pricing principles for housing services, formation of tariffs.
Chairmen were spoken about the educational function of the Internet. They knew about portals that can serve as a competent advisor in a variety of housing disputes. One of these — the site of the Public Council under the Ministry of Housing Bashkortostan sovetgkh.org. Where you can find a lot of individual books, magazines, training manuals and other clever literature and information. Heading “Glossary” works for those wishing to master the special terminology. And in “Public control” (select “Monitoring Center” and “Interactive map of…”) there is a very useful map, which shows all the centers of public control in the sphere of housing and communal services in our region.
“Evening Ufa” newspaper,