Festival of working professions, “Human of work” took place at the site of VDNH-EXPO November 25, 2015 in Ufa. The festival was attended by thousands of pupils and students from Ufa and nearby regions of the republic, representatives of state and municipal authorities of Bashkortostan, the largest industrial companies in the region, trade union organizations, as well as a number of experts in the field of human technology.
The event was supported by the Head of the Republic Bashkortostan, initiated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic Bashkortostan, the co-organizers — the Ministry of Education of Bashkortostan and the Ministry of Industry and Innovative Policy Repuvlic Bashkortostan, the Agency for Press and Mass Media of the Republic, Civil Administration of Ufa, a regional federation of trade unions.
The center of the UNESCO-UNEVOC in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, presented the working profession in the field of housing. Visitors were given the opportunity to play in the interactive game “GHEKA”. They could feel like the manager of an apartment house and do everything possible to make the “gloomy high-rise building, unfit for habitation, in a cozy and comfortable accommodation.” Children’s Public Legal Chamber of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies are also took part, because shortage of workers and the need to raise the prestige of working professions are concerned not only adults. That is why master class was organized by the initiative of our children, during which everyone can try their selves as a plasterer-painter. At first the children were afraid to get dirty, but, having tried, want to know all the details and a variety of technology skills. In addition, everyone could get tested vocational guidance, which will allow them more conscious choose future profession.
Round table “Modern requirements to the quality of the workforce. Professional standards and their implementation “was held under this festival, moderated by Nikolai Solodovnikov the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic Bashkortostan population. The discussion was attended by T.A. Nigmatullina, head of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre.
In addition, discussion forum worked “World Skills Russia as the qualifications and competency assessment tool” with the participation of experts from Moscow: J. Kadyleva, Deputy Head of Department of implementation and monitoring of the direction “Young Professionals” Agency for Strategic Initiatives and President of the Union “Worldskills Russia” P. Chernikh. This topic is very interesting for our UNESCO-UNEVOC Center: in this direction we started: the time of “white-collar” has passed, the future of the republic and the country as a whole for those who produce wealth.