The results of the All-Russian stage of the International Photo Contest «Skills in Action» are determined. The contest was held until June 20, 2017, inclusive, the Contest Committee received over 70 applications.
Category «Rights and opportunities of men and women in the labor market: gender equality»
1st place Kamelyanova Aliya «Filming the condition»
2nd place Shulepova Nina «Women in production»
3rd place Shulepova Nina «Mixing BIO supplements»
Category «WorldSkills, «Olympics of skills», and competition of Young Professionals»
1st place Rahmatullin Ilshat «Everything should be on the level!» (expertise «Brickwork»)
2nd place Rahmatullin Ilshat (expertise «Brickwork»)
3rd place Rahmatullin Ilshat «Baking of bakery products» (expertise «Baking of bakery products»)
Category «Development and use of “green” technologies by youth»
1st place Khasanov Alik «Working days»