Share your knowledge about the digitalization of administrative procedures in universities

IAU and Politecnico di Milano are conducting a survey of representatives of higher education institutions with the aim of:

– compare the pace of development of digital transformation in the administrative procedures carried out in universities before the pandemic with current rates;

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Digital training for educators from UNESCO and Microsoft

On February 28 and March 1, a digital training for teachers was organized on a joint initiative of UNESCO and Microsoft. The training is aimed at vocational education teachers of colleges and universities specializing in business, technology, engineering, computer science and artificial intelligence.

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Meeting of the Republican Council for Secondary Vocational Education

On February 18, 2022, the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov held the first meeting of the Republican Council for Secondary Vocational Education. It was attended by deputies of the State Duma of Russia, members of the Government of the Republic, directors of colleges in the region, representatives of the UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation based in BIST.

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Higher education and the green economy

On February 15, an international webinar was held, which became a platform for discussing the opportunities and prospects that open up for the world in the context of combining the activities of higher education institutions and the so-called “green” economy.

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Specialized Competence Centre WorldSkills established in Ufa

The courses are conducted for pre-retirees according to international standards, and a special programme of vocational training and additional professional education is also implemented in the Centre.

“Skills Passport” is new in the labour market, but it is already recognized by the country’s leading employers, the certificate of a person’s current professional skills, confirming their level of competency in accordance with WorldSkills standards. At the moment, a significant number of pre-pensioners in Russia already have a skill passport, which gives them good prospects for further development of their professional career.

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7th International Congress on Vocational Education Research

In many countries, the proportion of young people entering vocational schools has declined and academic education has expanded. However, VET, and especially enterprise-based VET, has been promoted as a means of addressing youth unemployment. In this regard, many countries are trying to strengthen VET in order to more quickly integrate young people into the labor market after completing secondary education.

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