7th International Congress on Vocational Education Research

In many countries, the proportion of young people entering vocational schools has declined and academic education has expanded. However, VET, and especially enterprise-based VET, has been promoted as a means of addressing youth unemployment. In this regard, many countries are trying to strengthen VET in order to more quickly integrate young people into the labor market after completing secondary education.

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In Bashkortostan, 2022 was declared the Year of Modernization of Vocational Education, Decent Working Conditions and Mining Dynasties

On December 29, 2021, the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov signed the Decree “On declaring 2022 as the Year of Modernization of Vocational Education, Decent Working Conditions and Labour Dynasties, the Republic of Bashkortostan”. The main tasks outlined in the Decree are: organizing more intensive work with the vocational education system, creating decent working conditions for their employees and promoting vocational professions.

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Decree “On the Republican Council for Secondary Vocational Education”

On December 22, 2021, the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan R.F. Khabirov signed the Decree “On the Republican Council for Secondary Vocational Education”.

According to the Decree, the Republican Council for Secondary Vocational Education was founded, its tasks were defined, the composition of the Council was approved, which included the heads of government institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan, directors of the colleges in the region, employers’ representatives and representatives of the UNEVOC Center in the Russian Federation based in the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch of) the Educational Institution of Trade Unions “Academy of Labor and Social Relations”.

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Vocational education: a response to changes in the world of work

Vocational education and training (VET) is at the interface between education and the world of work. VET systems must adapt to the many transitions that are reshaping education systems and labor markets around the world: the uncertain social and economic recovery post-2030; technological changes leading to the fourth industrial revolution based on digitalization, automation and artificial intelligence; the resurgence of informal employment even in advanced economies; contrasting demographic changes; and, finally, the need for a radical transformation of the world economy in order to achieve sustainable development and reduce net greenhouse gas emissions.

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First International Congress on Entrepreneurship and Education

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the idea of ​​introducing entrepreneurship into education in recent decades has been of concern to many. Mainly because entrepreneurship generates economic growth, creates jobs and, in addition, promotes creativity, innovation and the involvement of our students in the learning process. On the other hand, evidence suggests that the only way to develop an entrepreneurial spirit is to learn by doing.

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Global HR Forum 2021

The Global HR Forum, jointly organized by The Korea Economic Daily, the Ministry of Education and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training in 2006, is celebrating its 16th anniversary. The theme of the Global HR Forum in 2021 will be “Digital Development, ESG and Sustainability”.

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