Ecology in Action

BIST hosted Eco-Days in July, with student volunteers participating in a roundtable discussion on ecological challenges in Russia and worldwide. They explored methods of waste collection and recycling, and the principles of environmentally friendly living. Eco-activists emphasized the importance of preserving the environment and its role for humanity.

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World Youth Skills Day at BIST

«The future of humanity and our planet
depend on young people.
However, it also depends on whether
they will have the skills
needed to solve today’s problems
and shape a more peaceful future».
UN Secretary-General António Guterres

July 15th is a special day for youth: in 2014, the UN General Assembly declared July 15th as World Youth Skills Day, celebrated annually since then. The idea of establishing the Day belongs to Sri Lankan representatives at the UN, who expressed concern over the growth and scale of youth unemployment during a regular session of the General Assembly.

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Participation in the Republic «Student Leader 2024» contest

From May 31 to June 2, BIST staff and students participated in the Republic «Student Leader 2024» contest, organized by the Bashkir Republican Organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education and Science. Pavlovsky Park, situated on the picturesque shores of the reservoir, brought together the most active and talented students from all universities in our republic.

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work – 2024

On April 27, on the eve of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, BIST students learned about its history in Russia and on a global scale.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) officially proposed celebrating this day in 2003. Today, this important day is on the list of holidays in over 100 countries. Its primary goal is to draw the attention of employers, workers, and the public to the problems of occupational injuries and unfavorable working conditions, as well as to contribute to solving these problems.

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Online Conference «Towards Inclusive Excellence in TVET»

On April 2, 2024, the online conference «Towards Inclusive Excellence in TVET» was held. Organized by UNESCO-UNEVOC and BIBB, the conference featured participation from T.A. Nigmatullina, head of the UNEVOC Center at the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch) of the EUP VO «Academy of Labor and Social Relations», and A.Y. Bakirova, coordinator of the UNEVOC Center.

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The 2024 Trade Union KVN Festival for Working Youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Students of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies were among the audience of a vibrant and lively Trade Union KVN Festival for Working Youth of Bashkortostan. Organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Bashkortostan with the support of the State Committee for Youth Affairs of Bashkortostan and the Council of the local public organization «Club of the Funny and Resourceful» of Ufa, the event took place on April 21, 2024, at the city’s main venue, the «Toratau» Congress Hall.

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