The III All-Russian meeting on the work organization of the commission on juvenile affairs and their rights protection was held on the 8th and 9th of November, 2016 in Ufa.
The participants discussed the application of mediation technologies and mediation in work with minors. Tanzilya Altafovna Nigmatullina, the Head of the UNESCO and UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation housed by the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, Maxim A. Belyaev, the Head of the Agency of conciliatory technologies under the UNESCO and UNEVOC Centre, a certified trainer and mediator, and Natalia G. Hahalkina, also a certified trainer and mediator of the Agency of conciliatory technologies took part in the meeting. The venue was provided for the Agency’s representatives, where they shared their experience in the development and implementation of conciliation techniques in the work with children and young people, and taught a master class.
The participants’ report aroused the interest of the audience: they asked a lot of questions and the representatives of different regions of Russia took part in the discussion.