Students of high schools, colleges, and universities are invited to participate in the skills competition!

First International Competition in Strategic Management using the computer business game “BUSINESS-COURSE: MAXIMUM” (for Russian participants) and interactive business game “Ca$hFlow company” (for foreign participants) will take place on October 5–7, 2023

The goal of the skills competition is to develop an understanding of economics and modern economic thinking among children and youth.

Objectives of the skills competition:

  1. To determine the quality and level of training of students in the field of economics and entrepreneurship.
  2. To assist in the formation of analytical thinking, development of creative abilities, and professional guidance of the participants.
  3. To encourage the formation of personal qualities and communication skills of the younger generation.

General rules of the competition:

1. The gist of the competition for Russian participants is to manage economic entities the activities of which are simulated by a computer: players manage a virtual enterprise operating in a competitive environment. The game performance rating is determined “monthly” by a computer program, which is based on the integral assessment of the effectiveness of business management.

2. The gist of the competition for foreign participants is as follows: each team will receive a cash accounting form and a balance sheet. In the cash form, the participants will record the cash turnover (income or expenses), and in the second balance sheet, they will keep records of assets and liabilities. Each team will receive a business case of a virtual company and will be required to make a management decision within a given time. The result of each decision will be recorded in the cash accounting form. At the end of the game, players will calculate their cash flows and balance, and the one with the highest net cash flow and book value wins.


  1. School students in grades 8-11, college and university students can participate in the skills competition.
  2. Participation in the competition is team-based. A team can have no more than 3 participants. Participant selection is determined by the educational institution independently.
  3. Each educational institution can submit no more than 5 teams.
  4. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until October 1, 2023 via the form posted on the website (form accessible at address:
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