6–7 November 2013 at the initiative of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, held All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation in one of the most pressing problems of today: “The system of protection of the rights of minors and young people: condition, tendencies and prospects”. Co-organizer of the conference was the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Participants of the Forum were the prosecutors, internal affairs bodies, commissions on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights, educators, conciliation services, social protection, health, culture, youth policy, the scientific community and public organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as Moscow, Perm region, St. Petersburg, Kazan and other Russian cities. In the online video bridges were held with the Russian Public Chamber and its regional sites in Ivanovo, Tomsk and Yakutsk; Donbas National Academy of Architecture and Construction (Makeyevka, Ukraine) and the MGIMO — University MFA Russia (Moscow), the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg). In addition, the conference was attended by members of the Children’s Public Legal Chamber both as speakers and as participants in the discussion.
The following topics were discussed during the conference: Juvenile Justice in Russia: opportunities and perspectives. “Prosandcons”.
- Domestic and international experience in the prevention of deviant behavior, neglect, juvenile and youth delinquency.
- Mechanisms for successful social adaptation of minors and young people.
- The activities of the social and psychological services, social work with family and child: experience and prospects. School mediation as a way to create a safe space for children and youth.
- Protection of the rights of minors and young people. Adaptation and post-penitentiary resocialization of juvenile offenders who have returned from prison.
Plenary session was very intense. The participants learned a lot from the speeches of Z.Ya. Rakhmatullina, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on culture; A.N. Khudoleeva, Executive Secretary of the Russian Club of nationalities at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Director of the Political Communication Institute (Moscow); I.A. Makarenko, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminology, Director of the Institute of law of the Bashkir State University; M.M. Skorobogatova, Commissioner for the rights of the child under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan; A.A. Nurmuhametova, head of the State Autonomous Institution National Centre for Social and psychological assistance to families, children and youth; O.V. Polstovalova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Bashkir Academy of Public Service and Administration under the President of the Republic of Bashkorto-
Scientific dialogue in the teleconference format with the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and its regional sites was very interesting too.
The result of collective discussion was the adoption of the resolution, in which the participants unanimously noted the relevance of the chosen to discuss issues approved the practice of scientific and practical forum for the protection of the rights of minors and young people and encouraged them to conduct on a regular basis.
The second day of the conference was devoted to the master-classes:
1. Methods of school mediation as a form of conflict resolution in the children and youth. Moderator: M.A. Belyaev, a professional mediator, the head of the Agency of conciliatory technologies of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies.
2. Teenage club: the formation of social infrastructure of the neighborhood. Moderators: I.V. Malyadskaya, director of the Association of clubs for children, teenagers and youth “Dialogue” Urban District Ufa Republic of Bashkortostan (Ordzhonikidze district); A.G. Allikas, senior teacher of teenage club “Rosstan’”.
3. Increasing the competence of parents as a way of correcting dysfunctions in the family. Moderator: G.E. Ivanov, an educator and psychologist of MBU City Center psycho-social support “Indigo” of city district Ufa Republic of Bashkortostan.
4. Psychological service: technologies of social adaptation of minors and youth. Moderator: A.R. Biktagirova, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of humanitarian disciplines of the Bashkir institute of social technologies.