On November 23–24, 2013 in Yaroslavl with assistance of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal construction agency and housing and communal services the State committee for construction, “Rosmolodezh” and the government of the Yaroslavl region there passed the 1st All-Russian assembly of “Housing 2024”.
Plenary meeting of Assembly was conducted by M.A. Men, the Minister of Construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation.
E.L. Nikolaeva, the deputy of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Housing Policy and Public Utility Services; I.A. Ananskikh, deputy of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on physi-
cal culture, sport and youth policy; S.Yu. Belokonev, the head of Federal agency of the joint-stock company for youth; S.N. Yastrebov, governor of the Yaroslavl region; I.V. Petrin, head of the federal project “All houses” spoke on two sections: “Business and innovations” and “The power and society”. The main subjects of their speeches were: need of increase of literacy of employees of the sphere, application for housing sector of innovative technologies, need of involvement in processes of housing and communal services of youth, increase of a role of public control. The special attention was paid to use of energy saving technologies and increase of energy efficiency.
Great interest was aroused by the exhibition of innovations in the sphere of housing and communal services, where the latest developments to resolve and improve the work of existing agencies were presented.
During “The conveyor of projects of the All-Russian competition of youth projects-2013” which took place in the meeting course more than 50 ideas on improvement of housing sector were declared. 23 of the conveyor member, who successfully defended his initiative, received letters of recommendation to the All-Russian competition of youth projects in 2013, the results of which the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs will sum up in December this year. Among them is the project of our UNESKO-UNEVOK Center “Learn housing and communal services together with us” which was represented by the head of Agency of the housing and communal services technologies A.F. Gabzalilov and students of the 3rd course D. Zakharova and R. Schreiber.