On November 20, the institute passed the Republican Forum on the prevention of extremism among young people, organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan and our UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation.
The aim of the forum was to develop guide-lines on the use of the most effective forms of work on the prevention of extremism and terrorism.
The interest in the considered subject was high. More than 200 people — representatives of authorities, various faiths, national and cultural associations, children’s and youth public associations, highest and average special establishments of professional education, law-enforcement bodies, heads of bodies of youth policy of municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan gathered in the hall.
T.A. Nigmatullina, the head of the UNESKO-UNEVOK Center in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir institute of social technologies, the director of higher education institution, opened the Forum. She noted that the concept of extremism began to extend among the population of Russia only since the end of the 90th — the beginning of the 2000th years. In 1998, according to Fund of public opinion, more than 24% of young people at the age of 18–35 years heard nothing at all about the extremist organizations, and more than 40% heard “something”. There passed only 15 years, and extremism problem is one of the sharpest today. And not only today, but also in future. Its emergence is a result of a number of the reasons and factors. Intensive processes of migration which are endured by Russia, destruction of system of patriotic education at school and in the family, not positive environment push the part of society (first of all teenagers and youth) to familiarizing with extreme political, social, religious and ethnic ideas. Our multinational republic is a rather quiet region however cases of extremism which splash is observed around the world sets thinking on how to avoid opposition at us, the youth easily gives in to various provocations including from nationalist extremism.
A.I. Ivanyuta, the minister of youth policy and sport, in his welcome speech also spoke about the danger of extremism and about need of consolidation of all positive forces for prevention of this negative phenomenon.

A.I. Ivanyuta
The performances of V.P. Petkov, the chairman of the board on the state and interfaith relations at the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan; R.T. Nagimov, the assistant manager department of coordination of anti-terrorist activity and prevention of emergency situations of the Office of interdepartmental council of public safety of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and A.N. Hudoleev, the Responsible secretary of the Russian Club of nationalities at Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the director of Institute of political communications (Moscow) were listened with great attention by participants of the Forum.The discussion of questions of prevention of extremism, formation of the tolerant relations continued at discussion platforms: No. 1. Peace essence of traditional religions; No. 2. Information space: opposition of outlooks; No. 3. Technologies of carrying out work on prevention of extremism in the territory of municipality.
Discussions were rough because in fact the question concerned a homeland security of our country. But as a result, as well as it is necessary, everyone came to consensus. All offers found the reflection in the resolution adopted by participants of the Forum.