Competition «I’d become a factory worker if someone taught me»

In October and November 2016 the UNESCO and UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation housed by the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies, together with its partners — the Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for UNESCO, the Office of Educational Administration of city district, Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, and the Trade Union Federation of the Republic of Bashkortostan held a competition «I’d become a factory worker if someone taught me». Подробнее »

Round-table meeting «Experience of inter-agency cooperation in the field of professional training in the Republic of Bashkortostan»

On the 26th October 2016 in the framework of the UNESCO and UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation housed by the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies a round-table meeting «Experience of inter-agency cooperation in the field of professional training in the Republic of Bashkortostan» was held.  Подробнее »

Russian National Unity Forum

Russian National Unity Forum took place from 19th till 22nd of October 2016 in Perm. The main theme of the forum was the formation of a unified national policy on the territory of Russia.

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Together is brighter, together is forward!

On October 8, 2016 the students of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies took part in the energy conservation festival #VmesteYarche, which took place within the framework of the XVI Russian Energy Forum organized by the Ministry of Industry and Innovation Policy and Bashkir Exhibition Company with the support of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Подробнее »

Meeting of the scientific community

A meeting of the scientific community took place in the framework of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies in October 7, 2016.  Подробнее »

«Raise, youth, trade union banner!»

A trade union forum was organized by UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies from 30th September — 1st October, which was attended by 78 young trade union leaders. This year it was held under the slogan «Raise, youth, trade union banner!». Подробнее »