Archive for the ‘Без рубрики’ Category

Scientific-practical conference “Youth anti-drug volunteer movement: experience, problems and solutions”

On May 29, 2014 at the Bashkir institute of social technologies scientific and practical confe­rence “Youth anti-drug volunteer movement: experience, problems and solutions” took place. It was carried out within the youth anti-drug volunteer forum.  (more…)

The ХIІI International conference of young scientists, graduate students and students took place on April 25, 2014. It was organized by the Donbass national academy of architecture and construction and the Bashkir institute of social technologies. 8 students of our higher education institution, representatives of Agency of hou­sing and communal services technologies, pre­pared their performances.  (more…)

Diploma of 1st degree of competition “The best worker in the field of housing and construction” is awarded!

On March 28, 2014 the scientific and practical conference “Citizens Initiatives in Housing Sector” took place.


The agency of conciliatory technologies participates in discussion of a problem of adaptation of migrants

On March 27, 2014 in the assembly hall of Management of Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Republic of Bashkortostan (OFMS) public and advisory council passed. (more…)

The first stage of the Republican competition “The Best Young Worker of Housing Sector and Construction” is passed successfully!

On March 23, 2014 the Republican selection stage of the competition “The Best Young Worker of Housing Sector and Construction” passed. (more…)

Agency of design technologies — the organizer of the International round table “The Kyrgyz-Bashkir youth network structures in the context of the Euroasian integration”: the third round of meetings

On February 13, 2014 at the Bashkir institute of social technologies the International round table “The Kyrgyz-Bashkir youth network structures in the context of the Euroasian integration” took place online.  (more…)